Andra Långgatan
Yesterday we celebrated Andra Långdagen here in Sweden and the way to celebrate it was in Andra Långgatan (a street) where a sort of carnival took place. There I found lots of fashion inspiration and I share it here with you, with a special street style edition. Take a look at all these fashionable Gothenburgians.
Igår firade vi Andra Långdagen och då åkte jag, min syster och min pojkvän till Andra Långgatan där någon sorts karneval/gatufest ägde plats. Där hittade jag mycket modeinspiration och vill dela den med er. Titta vilka fashionabla göteborgare!
Those socks!
On saturday it was packed in the city. Didn't see much fashionista-material though. This guy was so cool with his colorful socks. The shoes and the rolled up pants completed it all. Great style!
Göteborg street style
Planning to have street style from the city. Hope to be able to start with this ASAP so stay tuned =)
Planerar att ha lite Göteborg street style här så for som möjligt =)