Best of London FW
London fashion week (spring/summer 2012) is on, after NY Fashion Week and I cannot help but notice the differences between the two. I believe London FW has been so much better, design wise. It has offered much better design and in general a better Fashion Week. This only raises the expectations for Paris and Milan. Here are some images from what I consider to be the best of the week so far.

(l-r) Antonio Berardi & Peter Pilotto

(l-r) Burberry Prorsum & Osman

(l-r) Todd Lynn & Michael van der Ham
P.S. Excuse the lack of posting but I have currently no access to photoshop, which makes it kind of impossible to blog (with quality at least). Doing all in my power to solve this. Thank you for reading!

(l-r) Stella McCartney in Bolero Magazine, september edition, Stella McCartney a/w 2011 collection.
We all like to be right, isn't that true? Well, if you want to be right this season you will probably get something with a dotted pattern as it is one of the strongest trends of the season. For me it is all about dotted+sheer fabrics as we can see in Stella McCartney's collection or about a dotted pattern with strong, contrasting colors like we can see more in Marc Jacobs. I have been searching for something like this in the last weeks but have not been successful in it, any suggestions are appreciated! =) I bet some store will have something similar as more of the fall and winter collections arrive.

(l-r) David Koma, DVF, Marc Jacobs, Katie Holmes in Stella McCartney for Vogue and Stella McCartney again for Vogue Russia, september issue.

(l-r) vogue Japan, detail on Marc Jacobs's a/w 2011 collection and campaign for Stella McCartney

(l-r) Interview magazine september issue and Gucci a/w 2011 collection
Do you like this trend or have any opinions on it?

Hope you have had a great weekend!
Images from and
Living up to Expectations
Jil Sander left a very hig bar with his spring/summer 2011 collection. It was THE collection of the season and nobody could wait to see what was coming after that. The autumn collection had nothing to envy from the summer one, total hit! Its' shapes are being reproduced by all the budget fashion brands now and there is no better proof for success. As I wrote in a previous post, caricucature/bubble shapes rule the season! Isn't this red top/jacket perfect? I cannot think of a piece I desire more this season. Ejoy!

Caricature Shapes

Images:, nordistricts and filippas.
MBFWStockholm 2
To complete the Stockholm Fashion Week report, here comes Rodebjer, Nhu Dhuong and Whyred. great week if you ask, stockholm fashion week continues getting better with time I believe. me but I wonder what you liked and disliked?

Thoughts of life in a metropolitan night. The colors are fantastic and they bring a relaxed summer to us, with lose yet chic shapes. Rodebjer is one of my favorite swedish fashion houses and this season was no exception.

Nhu Duong
Sporty but classy unusual materials. Swedish minimalism is perfectly represented in this collection and again we see a sporty air to it as we saw in altewai.saome and hernández cortes. I see that as one of the big trends for the season. Are you up for an adventurous summer next year?

A reduced range of base colors creates a 60's inspired masculine preppy-femininity. Lose figures are also a repeated feature for the season but that doesn't for a second allows sloppiness to take a stand on the runway.
-There you go. Thank you Stockholm for a great show, now we pass the torch to New York, always in our hearts and next in line for Fashion Weeks' season!
MBFWStockholm 1
Fashion Weeks world tour has begun and it did it in Scandinavia. This week it was Stockholm who held the spring/summer 2012 shows. This is one of the two posts in which I will sum up the events of the week for you all. Here goes:

As described in the Mercedes Benz Fashion week site, " the collection mixes heavy embroidery with sporty cuts that makes the clothes useful for work as well as late nights out". Definitely my favorite collection of the entire week. So fresh!

Hernandez Cornet:
Minimalistic to the bone with inspiration from nature. This collection also had a sporty feeling to it. To me this is real scandinavian design. Not my type but many can certainly make this work.

A neon explosion in some way. "Inspired by relaxed Moroccan lifestyle", "tailored for the modern vagabod". Nothing new in my opinion but great for a relaxed style.

Ida Sjöstedt:
Femenine and lusty. A painful, passionate love comes to mind. This is definitely a night out-collection or even a bedroom collection. Ida never ceases to impress us, we should never know what to expect from her and that's why she gets points from me, more than for the fashion itself.
There you go? What are your thoughts? Can't wait to see how these collections compare with the ones from the following fashion weeks (paris, milan, etc...)
Sources: MBFWStockholm and to watch the collections in videos visit this page.
Fall Couture

Resort 2011 Inspiration

Bara några inspirationsbilder från olika resort 2011 kollektioner. Jag vill bära alla dessa looks! En till varje dag av veckan nästa vecka haha.

May Projects

Now I will do something (still haven't decided exactly what) with this blazer which my bf had and he says he got it from his father long ago, so... some sort of heirloom I guess haha but I will modernize it and make it girl-appropriate. I also have several designs I did some time ago and now that I know I can use the sewing machine I plan to give it a try. Here are the sketches for some of them. Don't know which one to start with though.
Have great week!
Det blev ingen post under helgen, ursäkta men nu är jag tillbaka med några updates. Jag är klar med handväskan som jag prylade lite med nitar. Tycker ni att del blev bra? Jag gillar den, lite tuffare, vilket är bra eftersom jag använder den ganska mycket.
Nu ska jag arbeta lite med den här blazern som min pojkvän gav mig och han fick den av sin pappa för länge se. Intressant tycker jag, för se hur den blir. För ett tag sedan skissade jag några olika desigs och nu när jag har provat symaskinen och att vi blev vänninor vet jag att det är dags att försöka göra dem. Vet inte än vilken jag vill börja med då, den lättaste... haha. Jag berättar så fort jag börjar med en av dem.
Ha en bra vecka nu!

Hej! Jag berättade igår om syprojektet som jag håller med på just nu. Västen är klar och den är här. Vad tycks? Lite "out there" men jag gillar det så där. Det gick väl bra eller hur? Tänk på att jag aldrig hade jobbat med en symaskin innan. Jag har också börjat med att pryla min handväska. Det går bra men lite svårare än jag trodde. Gillar ni vad jag gör med den? Kommer att visa den när den är klar.
Feeling (Electric) Blue

Thank you for reading!
I want these ones!!! How amazing are they? They come from Jessica Simpson's shoe collection. I want to buy them but my search indicates it will be impossible. Found other colors but not the color blocked ones. If any of you has any tips, let me know. Thank you!
Jag vill ha!!! Är de inte grymma? Åhh jag älskar dem och vill ha dem men det verkar som att de inte finns någonstans.
Decision Making

Besökte Zara idag för att köpa den randiga kjolen på bilden men de hade inte min storlek =(. Hittade också den rosa kjolen och gillade den mycket. Det var svårt att bestämma om det var bättre att köpa den randiga som skulle behöva sys lite för att passa mig eller den rosa. Jag köpte den rosa till slut, gjorde jag rätt?
Pantone 5
All in one, that is our theme for the day. This is not a look that everybody likes nor one which everybody can wear. One has to know how to mix to not look like a clown. Try it, it's fun! My favorite ones are the one from Erdem and the one from Prada, furthest to the right.

Designers and brands from left to right:
Missoni, Forever21, Prada, Versace, Erdem and Prada
Pantone 4

Designer from left to right:
D&G, Douglas Hannant, D&G, Erdem, Jil Sander, Milly, Michael Kors, D&G and Milly

Take a look at these. Wow, there is not much more to say. I so want them. They are 799 SEK in Zara. Aren't they just great? Birthday gift ideas for those who are wondering what I want haha.
Hope you all had a happy easter, now to get back on track. Have a great week!
Pantone 3

Designers from left to right:
Versace, Proenza Schouler, Emilio Pucci, Prada, Jil Sander, MaxMare(down), Lanvin(up), Emilio de la Morena, Iceberg and MaxMara

Det här är vad jag köpte igår. En Jil Sander look-alike kjol. Det perfekta signaturplagget för sösongen. Gillar ni den?