Sorry I have been absent for a day. I have come to Sälen, to a ski resort with Andreas's family. We will spend the weekend skiing, I will do my best to upload some outfits, one never knows, when we are so many everything happens spontaneously.
Have a great weekend you all!


Shirt & pants H&M, sweater & jacket Lindex
The Best Pink Lips

Paris - Final Episode
These are the last (fashion related) pics from Paris.

The one and only Prada collection for this season.

A little window shopping can always cheer one up!

Christian Louboutin store. It was amazing, it has a "carousel" displaying shoes as it rotates. And don't get me started about the shoes.

Found some fashion even inside the Eiffel Tower. I would love to have these ones!
There you have it, hope you enjoy the pics and hope you are enjoying your sunday before going back to all your daily activities tomorrow. See you later!
Asos Bags

Street Style - Paris
While in Paris I decided to shoot some street style images. I hope I had more but I did not have my camera the first days. Hope yo like these ones anyhow.

These girls were amazing. The perfect gang! They are all so radiant and unique. All the Paris attitude and flair, had to photograph them!! What do you think?

Both so colorful and spring-ish, great job. She nailed every detail, love how she folded the sleeves of her dress. Looks so effortless. Like it??

Hugs and have a nice weekend everyone!
Thx 4 reading ;)
Paris Outfit 2


Shirt and Pants: H&M, turban Asos and shoes Zara.
Tomorrow.... little more Paris. Stay tuned!
P.S. vote for the look here if you like it, under the image where it says Röster. Thank you very much!
Här kommer outfit nummer två. Som ni ser var det color blocking som gällde i Paris. Gillar ni outfiten? Vilken av dem var bäst (om man jämför med den från igår)?
P.S. Här kan ni rösta för outfiten om ni gillar den. Tusen tack!
Paris Outfit 1

This one is for the first day and I was wearing: yellow shirt H&M, blue pants Zara and shoes Zara (from like 2 years ago)
What do you think?? Like?
Här är en av outfiterna från Paris. Det gick otroligt bra, vi hade så roligt och birthday boy'en var glad och nöjd. Vad tycks, gillar ni outfiten?

Sheer School--Day 3

Yellow top and black sheer pants-NastyGal. shoes-Jeffrey Campbell, Nail polish-Essie, bracelet-Forever21 and leggings-H&M.
I wonder how many of you would wear this. I would!
This is it for the Sheer School, hope you enjoyed it. I see you until monday or tuesday, by now I am in Paris, celebrating my boy's b-day. Hope to have some amazing pictures for great post on my way back. Wish me luck!
Have an amazing weekend, wherever you are!
Sheer School--Day 2

Bike shorts-NastyGal, black body and bracelets H&M, flower corset-forever21, pink dress-Monki, hat H&M, necklace-forever21, shoes-asos, black shorts Topshop, converse sneakers, sweate BikBok and finally, belt-Zara.
What do you think? Who would wear it?
Hope you liked it. See you tomorrow!
Sheer School--Day 1

1. Conservative
2. Somewhere in Between
3. Daring
Today we will study "Conservative", so pay attention:
Shirt-Monki, Pink skirt- H&M, OPI nail polish, black ring and both bras- H&M (you can wear either, if you are the most conservative type, use black to blend it in with shirt), black shoes- Asos and Necklace H&M.
What do you think? Are you the conservative kind and would wear this or never in a million years? Hope it is helpful. Stay tuned because tomorrow we move on to lesson number 2, "Somewhere in Between".
Thank you for reading!

Do you like the pants or would you have selected a different color? I chose this color because I think it matches good with almost any other strong color, like hot pink, yellow or orange.
De här kom hem med mig igår. Jag förebereder mig själv för den färgfula mig. Solen har skinit hela dagen idag, känns konstigt för oss som inte har sett solen (den riktiga, starka solen) på flrea månader nu. Jag blir så glad och motiverad.
Gillar ni färgen som jag valde? Jag valde den för att jag tycker att den matchar bra till nästan alla de andra färgerna som man vill använda den här säsongen, som hot pink, gul och orange.

Idag fick jag första nummret av STYLEBY (av Elin Kling). Kan knappt bärga mig med att läsa. Jag slår vad om att Elin och hennes team har gjort ett bra jobb. Jag gissar att den här tidningen kommer att bli STOR! Vi får se... Vad tror du?
This weekend was a gastronomic weekend. In case I haven't told you, I have a chef at home (not a graduated chef but I believe he is just as good or better). All weekend was full of delicious food and it was full of relaxation. Here´s what we had.


Yesterday's outfit. Coul finally use my cape-coat from Zara. It's warm and blocks the wind so good, love it!
Polka dots shirt-H&M, red sweater-old, shorts-Zara, bag-Gina Triot, cape coat-Zara and shoes Nelly. Whatd o you think?
Gårdagens outfit. Fick äntligen använda min cape-coat från Zara, jag älskar den. Varm och stoppar vinden så bra! Prickig skjorta-H&M, röd tröja-gammal, shorts-Zara, handväska-Gina Tricot, coat cape-Zara och skor-Nelly.

P.S. You votes in are always appreciated! Thank you!
Barbie Xta

Hot pink är vanligtvist inte min favoritfärg men den här säsongen är allt möjligt när det gäller färger. Den är fin eller hur? Kanske till Paris. Vad tycker ni, hiss eller diss?

By the way, these are the first pics from the new camera, what do you think of the difference? Hope you like it!
Surprise 1 is here!

Igår pratade jag om något som kom från posten. Det var inte väskan, det var min nya kamera!!!! Jag är hur glad som helst!!! Bilderna kommer att bli mycket bättre nu. Tack för att ni följer mig!

Asos har skorea just nu. Ni kanske behöver några skor eller har velat ha ett par sen ett tag nu. Lycka till! Kolla Här.
Surprise Surprise

Catch OR Release?
WHat should you keep and what should you dispose from your wardrobe to make some space for summer season? Here are my suggestions:

Trends to keep:

Dots: Marc Jacobs will probably be the spring/summer Prada of autumn/winter. Stripes are replaces by dots. Not many of us have polka dots in our closets I guess, but if you do and were thinking of finally disposing this items, think twice, it will be trendy in autumn and winter.

Furs: The bigger the better. Fur (fake ones please!) has been in style for some years now but this coming autunn we got a fresh way of using it: fur sleeves. If you have any fur coat, scarf, etc... do not dispose it, it will stay fashinable.

Leather: again, new and better ways to use leather in a/w season, keep!
- - - - - - - - - -

Colors: we all know colors are huge in spring and summer, the good new is that the transition to autumn and winter will be easy because colors come to stay. AW season has a lot of color also, so it is a good investment.

Sparkles -glitter & shimmer (michael kors, rodarte, jenni Kanyne, peter som, cynthia rowley, shoes miu miu)
New jacket shapes: miu miu,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

oversized: forget about sloppy, throw all that away and make some space for the colors instead. Here is a last season Dries Van Noten sloppy look and the replacement look from Haider Ackermann. It is all about being elegant and about well tailored clothes in AW2011.

Leopard (dolce, dies van noten-vest-): even though it has been in style for a while, the upcoming seasons are not about this pattern, you can let it go now, if you ask me.
- - - - - - - - - - -
There you go fashionistas, I hope this post has been useful because I have worked quite a while on it. The time is here, season change, wardrobe change. Good luck! Any specific questions? Fell free to ask, I answer and advice you gladly.
Love you all, thank you for reading!

Yesterday I had some minutes to spare as I was downtown and I decided to check out Zara, since it was long I was there. I was pleasantly surprised, but MAN, was it dangerous! I want to warn you because once you are in, it's the point of no return! The new season's collection is CRAZY good. Colors, shapes, everything, they have thought of it all. The only reason I walked out of there empty handed is because in less than 10 days I will be in Paris, but I want it all! Have a look!
Wear It!

1. Shirt: H&M
2. Shoes:
3. Black pants: H&M
4. Bracelet:
5. Sleeveless waistcoat: Michael Kors
6. Envelope iPad case: asos
7. Sunglasses: Topshop
Christine Ceneteras look som är på allas läppar. Nu kan du bära den!


Please feel free to advice me if you know about cameras, I know the 500 is better but my doubt is if the 1000 (without IS) is good enough. Tips would be very appreciated.
Have a great weekend!

Yesterday's outfit. Finally could wear the H&M sweater, it is so cool, feels a little like an armor when one wears it, little heavy. It will be used a lot in spring and summer I predict. Do you like the outfit?
Sweater and leggings H&M, black sweater Cubus, shoes Nelly.
Gårdagens outfit. Använde äntligen H&Ms camel färgade tröja. Älskar den, kommer att användas mycket när vädret blir varmare. Gillar ni outfiten?
Online Zara

Day's Best Dressed

Lady Vamp

"And then, 11 tailored looks into the show, Gaga emerged from behind the photographer's pit in molded black bra, sheer bodysuit, and long black hobble skirt. She sported platinum-blond extensions underneath a triangle hat, and she was smoking—in both the literal and figurative senses. In fact, Gaga had better balance on her platform wedges than many of the professional models did on their own precarious heels." Writes (image from them too)
The Best Accessory

Brightness Dawn

Setareh Mohtarez är en ung designer som bor och jobbar i New York. Hon skapade den här prisbelönade kollektionen. Har inte sett någonting så intressant och innovativt fast också elegant, på länge. Verklig inspiration alltså. Vad tycker ni: fashion eller konst? Bilder och mer här.

Spring Around the Corner

Tips: dem här byxorna för bara 99kr på H&M! Chop chop tjejer! Perfekta till vår och sommar. Vad tycker ni?
No-makeup makeup