Bare Skin
One of the season's trends (in beauty) is the "naked face" look. Here are some examples of the look in the gucci, pucci and thakoon collections. I think it is a look that applies perfectly for the cold weather, so natural. Inspired in this I bought a lipstick to wear the look, I just love it. It was hard to find the one that was the exact tone I was looking for and which matched my skin tone. I found the perfect at IsaDora, color Nougat, #30.
En av säsongens tendenser är "the naked face look". Jag tror att looken matchar perfect med vädret, det känns så naturell och det går med den kalla omgivningen. För detta letade jag efter ett läppstift som ampassar min hy och hittade det perfecta läppstiftet hos IsaDora, #30-Nougat.